Grants - Writers - Federal Foundations

Grants - writers - federal foundations - government funding for writing

Funds for Writers: The Book
by C. Hope Clark
Paperback: 116 pages

All writers hear tales about "free federal money" out there going unused. But how many of us actually know where to find the money and how to apply for it?

As a veteran of government service with a unique insight into the growing funds available, Clark educates writers on where to find sources that meet individual needs.

FUNDS FOR WRITERS: THE BOOK defines the types of money available, including grants, fellowships, awards and contests. But this guide isn't limited to simple definitions. This book handles such topics as nonprofits, partners, charities, and schools. Of special interest, Clark relates success stories, sources, and "free stuff."

An invaluable resource with a wealth of information; FUNDS FOR WRITERS: THE BOOK has something for every writer. Written in a clear, succinct style with a dash of humor.

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